Thursday, November 08, 2007

Schooling and Oily Birds

Virginia is nearing the end of her first of two weeks of a school in SoCal. They're learning about geographic profiling and being trained on a software package that helps with the process. If, like me, you have absolutely no idea what geographic profiling is, you can click here to see what Wikipedia says about it... actually quite helpful. I think she has a test tomorrow, and, assuming she passes, she'll continue the 2nd week of training beginning Monday. She's attending the training with an officer from the PD. I think he will take her to Jeremy and Amber's place after class tomorrow so she can spend the weekend with them. I'm a bit jealous, but I'll get over it. :-)
You may have heard on the news about the fuel oil spill in San Francisco Bay. Apparently a transport hit the Bay Bridge during an early morning period of heave fog. The Bay Bridge is the one that connects SF to Oakland. Anyway, it has made quite a mess of numerous beaches and seems to be impacting birds and other wildlife. Thankfully they were quick to get the clean-up started, and hopefully the impact won't be too devastating or permanent.
It made me think about a news report I saw about how Evangelicals are officially becoming more green... finally seeing taking care of the planet as a Christian issue... a responsibility. (sigh) I remember back in the 60's how many churches were among the most resistant to changes associated with the Civil Rights movement, and it seems that, once again, the culture has been ahead of many conservative Christians in understanding that stewardship of the planet is important. I guess for some their lack of interest has theological roots... Christ is coming back and the whole thing will burn up anyway, so why bother. On the other hand, other voices have increasingly reminded us that God is the one who called creation "good" and gave man the responsibility to protect and care for it. Slow or not, I'm glad we finally seem to be getting it. Now, if we can just work on that unity thing Jesus prayed about...

1 comment:

Philip said...

Californians have always been ahead of the rest of the US in regards to environmental issues... at least that's what Dad has always told me:)