Sunday, August 14, 2005

Special Day

What a special day today has been. Peter led an inspiring service this morning... heartfelt worship is always such a healing and community building experience. Today is also Virginia's birthday and our anniversary. The church surprised her with a wonderfully crafted wooden lyre, patterned after one found in a dig dating back to 2500 BC, and flowers... all this just to say "thank you" for the video work she has done over the last year and a half. It was a surprise... and such a loving and appreciated gesture.

Next, we ate lunch at Elephant Bar in Concord with Pete, Lindsey and Jarrod (Lauren was as a Secret Sisters Lunch). Such a great place to eat... such variety... and everything is delicious! And, Lindsey had told them about our special day, so we got a couple of little surprise sundaes before we left.

Then... we drove up to Mt Diablo... our first trip there... won't be the last. Incredible view. I'll close with a couple more pics... enjoy!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Thanks for the tip on places to eat after church! Since we don't know the area yet, we don't know what's out there.. and Elephant Bar looks good! I'll have to direct Brian to the website to see it.