Saturday, July 29, 2006


Today is one of those days to sit back, try to look thoughtful, and just philosophically ponder the wonders of life. Now you might be thinking, "Why is today more conducive to philosophizing than another," or "I look forward to those kind of days," or even "I didn't know you were into deep thinking." I understand, so let me explain... to which you relax, smile, nod and give me a knowing wink.

Very simply, 29 years ago today my daughter was born. Wow!!! Where did the time go, and, perhaps more significantly, did I use that time well?? She is now two years older than I was when she was born... she's almost 30... she's a married college prof with a 7 year old son. I could go on, but you get the point.

I remember so well being 29... looking forward to 30 so I could move up an age group in road races. There've been a lot of sunsets since then. I've long since given up running races... but how else have I changed... grown... allowed God to shape who I am? Certainly food for thought... for prayer... for humble thanksgiving.

But, today isn't my day... it's hers. And when I think about her heart... her compassion for others... her life as a wife and mom... her love for God... the ways she uses her talents... I feel proud and content and grateful to be her dad.

Happy Birthday, sweetheart!! I love you!

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