Monday, September 25, 2006


Last night after I finished with the bathroom work I noticed that I noticed that I began to feel a bit sluggish and congested and my voice began changing to more of a bass. Earlier in the week Virginia began feeling symptoms of some bug that is "going around" among folks at the PD, and I suspect I've contracted whatever it is from her.

It doesn't seem to be too bad a bug, but things like this usually hit me harder than they hit VJ... guess she's just tougher or something. Anyway, I felt pretty bad when I woke up this morning, so I decided I'd just sleep in and work from home. I think that was probably a good choice, because, while I'm still sort of stopped up, I'm feeling better than this morning. Viruses come and go, so this one will pass as well.

Which raises the question about the plural of virus. Viruses just didn't sound right, so I looked it up. According to Wikipedia, the preferred plural is viruses, and the less frequent variations of viri and virii are "virtually unknown in edited prose and and no major dictionary recognizes them as alternative forms." How about that... viruses it is!

Well, here's to hoping your next virus is short-lived. :-)

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