Saturday, November 11, 2006

Special Weekend

Richard and Cindy Fancher have been with us for the last few days, and we've really enjoyed their visit. Richard has been here to help us with an elder/minister retreat, and we've tried to make the most of their time with us.

They flew in Wednesday. Thursday we drove to Monterey, enjoying the beach, Cannery Row, and the 17 Mile Drive, including Pebble Beach, and stayed the night at a great condo courtesy of Doug and Melody. We drove back Friday, and that evening was our first retreat session at the building.

Our leader retreat lasted pretty much all day, and Richard did a great job leading us through some steps to help us as a team, minister to our church, and grow in our ability to reach out to our community. No time for details today... and too pooped. More later.

Virginia and Cindy had a great time exploring the new Trader Joe's, a really cool local place that specializes in olive oil, and a couple of other places. We got to savor some of their finds at supper tonight. Yummy stuff.

I'm really looking forward to our worship tomorrow. My prayer is that God will use our time in worship to shape us all a little more to who He wants us to be. I pray you have a great Sunday as well. Blessings...

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