Thursday, December 07, 2006

Lighter Side of Baptism

Every now and then a preacher will tell a "baptism story" that's pretty funny, and there are a lot of funny episodes out there. Two or three years back at the Pepperdine Lectures the first keynote speaker told a funny baptism story, and, not to be outdone, each of the other guys added theirs as well. I remember laughing quite a bit, and my favorite was told by Randy Harris.

It seems that during a campaign (I think when Randy was in college) there was a lady who wanted to be baptized. The available baptistry was really low on water and for some reason they couldn't add any more. Well, someone baptized her, but she was too large to go completely under, so they got the water sloshing enough so that just for a moment she was completely immersed. Not as funny reading it here, but, trust me, we were all laughing as Randy told it.

At Sugar Grove we used those blue nylon quick-drying things as baptismal (what a strange word) garments. I remember one guy donning one that was too tight for his "new birth," and one comment from the crowd as he came out of the water... "It's a boy!" I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

A friend sent me this link to the video of a funny baptism episode. Check it out... I guarantee you'll at least chuckle.

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