Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Influence 109

Sitting here in my office getting ready to go home, I noticed a couple of completed coloring-book sheets taped to the wall above my computer desk. They were both colored by Camryn, daughter of Marlene and Randy Moser. Randy's the guy who drags me up hills during our Saturday morning runs, and Marlene is a wonderful soprano on our praise team.
Camryn is about kindergarten or first grade... not too good with remembering those things, but I'm sure she'll tell me, and she has the sweetest heart. If she has some candy, she always offers to share... she loves to tell stories and sing... and occasionally she'll give me something she's drawn, which I hang on my wall for a while.
I've written several posts on people who have influenced me over the years (and I have several more to write), but today I am reminded that the genuine nature of children... their love and innocence and acceptance... has influenced me often in my life's journey. Sometimes they were my own kids and sometimes other children, but I know I am different (in a god way) than I would be without them. Somehow, I think God crafted it that way.

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