Thursday, December 06, 2007

Saramento Trip Part 2

One thing our guide mentioned that really struck me is that the Capital is a temple. The architecture includes symbols that are a combination of traditionally religious (the dome and cathedral-ish design) and Greco-Roman (from whom we got democracy and representative democracy. The Capital is a temple to the democratic ideals of of a state and a nation. Here are some more pics from the tour.

Senate Chamber from above. Note that red is one of the main colors, patterned after the British House of Lords with red as a symbol of money and status.

The desks were made by a California furniture maker who decided he could make more money using his wood working skills than panning for gold. The original cost was about $15 each back in the 1860s. My guess they'll cost a bit more if they ever need to replace one.

Here's the House Chamber, very similar in design to the Senate Chamber, only bigger because there are more 80 Representatives and 40 Senators. Also, notice that the main color is green, patterned after the British House of Commons, which was originally made up of guys with an agricultural background. It's also interesting that in the Senate Chamber there is a large portrait of George Washington, a wealthy plantation owner, while in the House Chamber there is a portrait of Abraham Lincoln, who grew up as a poor farm boy.

Hand-carved staircases... really marvelous craftsmanship. At one point the building was remodeled and the staircases were removed. When the building was later restored to the earlier design, they had to hand carve the staircases again.

Notice the Grizzly bear on the close up. As the state animal, you see them all over the Capital. If you get the chance to go and see... by all means, go and see!!

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