When we moved to California a little over 3 years ago, Virginia and I decided we wanted to get back into growing vegetables. During our Arkansas years we always had a big garden... bigger than our whole back yard now... but among the heat and humidity, the poor soil in our yard, and the fire ants, we never got around to growing veggies in Houston.
Well out here, on the edge of the San Joaquin Valley, where almost anything grows well, we definitely wanted to get back into the vegetable growing. Our back yard is small and the soil isn't great, but we've been working on improving that. Last our tomatoes and zucchini did very well; the yellow squash did OK; and the green beans didn't produce much (we planted pole beans and they seemed to produce lots of leaves and no beans).
This year we got stuff planted a little earlier, and everything seems to be off to a good start. Here are some shots for your enjoyment.
Several tomato plants
More tomatoes than ground, so put some in pots.
Beans coming up. We also have a variety of squash, sugar snap peas, and we went out on a limb with cantaloupe... we'll see.
Virginia's little tangerine tree is starting to grow.
And our apple tree really has the blooms this year. We'll see if that actually translates to Fruit.
I'll post more pics later as the plants grow and begin to produce stuff to eat.