Monday, June 01, 2009


A year ago Easter we had a bunch of Easter Lillie's in the auditorium at church, and the lady who provided them gave them away following the service. She gave Virginia one, and we brought it home and enjoyed the blooms until they faded and fell. At that point Virginia transplanted it into a larger pot outside, and we pretty much forgot about it. Well, this spring it started to grow, then to bud, and finally... well... look for yourself!!

Below is a closeup shot. Lot's of beautiful and delicate blossoms. And, you have to understand that neither of us are blessed with particularly green thumbs.

And... the Easter lily with the most beautiful flower in my garden. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that flower showed up again! Ginia's brown thumb is like mine. It is beautiful, just like her as you said. love Lori Cossey