Wednesday, August 06, 2008


On this date in 1945 the atomic bomb was exploded over Hiroshima, Japan, the first of two explosions that brought the Pacific theatre of WWII to a close. Regardless of your personal feelings about the event, there is no doubt that the explosions not only brought the war to a close much more quickly but also changed the potential spectre of war for generations to come.

On a lighter note, Lucille Ball, the red-headed comedic bombshell of radio, movie and TV fame, was born on this date in 1911. Her influence on the development of early television was huge... setting standards for comedic acting that have shaped a couple of generations of actors.

During WWII she and her husband, Desi Arnez, spent time encouraging wounded troops from the Pacific by doing USO shows in the LA area. The only explosions there were their legendary arguments which resulted in a near-divorce in 1944.

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