Thursday, May 18, 2006

Dinner and Conversation

Last Sunday June Chandler offered to take us all out somewhere for dinner so she could get to know Mom a little better. Virginia suggested that the conversation would be better at home instead of at a restaurant, so June came over for dinner tonight instead. The food was good, the fellowship was too, and the stories that were shared completed the evening. It turns out that June and Mom hold some similar ideas about education because of their experiences teaching reading to kids, and they shared many similar experiences.

June brought a wonderful pistachio cream pie... really good, and she left what we didn't eat with us for later. Ymmmmm.....

Just a comfortable, fun and relaxing evening... good way to spend a Thursday night. I'm pretty sure all four of us enjoyed it a lot.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Dinner and conversation is nice; especially when the conversation doesn't include "Please stop blowing spit bubbles" and "Keep the chair on all 4 legs, please." Or the ever-popular "Leave your sister/brother alone."