Wednesday, May 10, 2006


How often do you think about security? And what do you think about? Security is one of those words that gets tossed around a lot... and people use it in a variety of ways. Christians often talk about the security of their relationship with God or the secure feelings you get from healthy relationships with other believers. Those who are in the work force think job security is a good thing... although it seems more rare than it used to be. We all think security at our bank is pretty important, and secure investments are preferable to ones that are not. In the last few years we've heard a lot about homeland security, and there is now a big debate raging about the best ways to enhance border security. Security is an important thing.

We just became a "demo home" for a Honeywell security system. Now being a "demo home" means they come and install all the hardware and sensors to this wireless system for free... even waving the activation fee (I always wonder exactly what that is). To be a "demo home" we just have to keep the sign visible in the yard for 3 years... and pay the monthly monitoring fee (probably how they make most of their money anyway). I offered to let them just put the sign in the yard... avoiding the monitoring fee and all the arming and disarming... but they wouldn't go for that.

I never have felt particularly unsafe in our neighborhood, but a security system is probably a good idea. Plus, we'll get a discount on our homeowners insurance... although I doubt it will cover the monthly monitoring fee. Actually, the last several years we were in Houston we had a security system, and we learned to live with the arming/disarming thing pretty well... don't think we ever had even one false alarm. That's a good thing because the city starts charging you after a few. Since Virginia's job at the Antioch PD includes keeping track of false alarms, I guess we'll need to be on top of that here as well.

Well, hope you have an enjoyable and secure rest of the week... wherever you are. :-)

1 comment:

Josh said...

We have one of those Honeywell security things too. It's nice knowing that your being monitored and that "security" folks will be notified if anything happens.

Glad to hear that you had fun at Pepperdine...again, we REALLY wished we could've been there! Next year.

I just talked with Mark Howell this week. It was good to talk to him. I miss getting to hang out with you guys...face to face.