Saturday, August 05, 2006

Beautiful Weather

Today is one of those days when the weather is... well... almost perfect. We actually get those days here pretty often... spaced throughout the spring, summer and fall. It's one reason why so many people live here. :)

When we lived in Houston we'd have a really nice day or part of a day like this a couple of times a year, and Virginia and I would call it "California weather" as a visual aid for our friends... not sure they really understood. I may have appreciated days like today at some deeper level then just because they were sorta rare... but I really feel blessed to be able to enjoy them more often now.

It was cool and breezy as Randy and I ran in the hills this morning. I was pretty tired by the time we finished but not totally drained by the heat like a couple of weeks back. In fact, my legs had enough left in them to handle a 6 mile hike with VJ. I was pretty trashed by the time we finished, but we stopped a little over half way so I could introduce her to Zack's... a new coffee place not too far from us. We each had an iced coffee and completed our trek.

Such days enhance my gratitude to God for so many things... certainly the creation all around us... my relationship with Him through Jesus... the family who shaped me and who will live on after me... my brothers and sisters in Christ in so many places... our Eastside Church Family... and the day-to-day reality of almost 35 years married to a woman who is more of a blessing than even the weather.

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