Saturday, June 23, 2007

Busy Weekend

Well, this weekend is ripping by, as is usually the case when there is a lot going on. Yesterday Virginia got off at 4:00 and we headed toward Vallejo to meet the Koonce family for dinner. It was Karen's b'day and we hadn't seen them in a while, so we met them at Olive Garden. From there we all headed over to the Fairfield Church of Christ for a Won By One concert. They're wrapping up their summer tour with some NoCal concerts, and they sound really good. They've had a good tour, and they're ready to be off the road for awhile. After they got their equipment packed up, we joined them at Mimi's Cafe to hear tour stories and sip coffee. It was fun!

This morning I met Randy and Jeff at the trail head for a run... it's been a while... a long while. I managed to run about 40 minutes, but I felt pretty bad... not my Achilles, but just being out of shape from resting my Achilles. :) Hopefully I can get back into it now.

I came home and showered, and VJ and I headed for Jack London Square in Oakland to meet an old family friend, Jim Elliott. Jim was in the Navy and stationed at Port Hueneme back in the late 60's and/or early 70's. We knew him from church where he was one of many military guys who were "adopted" by the Beans over the years. He's lived in Monterrey since 79, but we haven't seen him since before that. Jim bought us breakfast at Jack's Bistro, a nice place right on the water, and we enjoyed catching up.

This weekend is also the American Cancer Society Relay for Life, and VJ and I are walking with our church team. Click here if you want to learn more or make a donation through our Eastside Church of Christ team. Basically, it sort of a 24-hour relay and celebration all rolled into one, complete with food, music, and lots of people. This year it's at the Los Medanos College track in Pittsburg. Virginia and I are signed up to walk from 7:00 to 8:00 and 9:00 to 10:00. After that I'll be ready for bed!! Here are a couple of pics from last year.

Looking forward to being with our church family tomorrow. Don is preaching, and we'll be looking at how Jesus handled conflict. Maybe I'll see you then!!

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