Saturday, June 16, 2007

Father's Day

Most of us have good memories of times with our dads. A few do not, and all of us remember experiences that let us know our dads are not perfect, but human beings who are subject to sin and failure just like the rest of us. Take a look at this passage from Luke 9:

The next day, Jesus, Peter, James, and John came down from the mountain. A large group of people met Jesus. A man in the group shouted to Jesus, "Teacher, please come and look at my son. He is the only child I have. An evil spirit {from the devil} comes into my son, and then he shouts. He loses control of himself and he foams from the mouth. The evil spirit continues to hurt him and almost never leaves him. I begged your followers to make the evil spirit leave my son, but they could not do it." Jesus answered, "You people that live now have no faith. Your lives are all wrong. How long must I be with you and be patient with you?" Then Jesus said to the man, "Bring your son here." While the boy was coming, the demon threw the boy to the ground. The boy lost control of himself. But Jesus gave a strong command to the evil spirit. Then the boy was healed. And Jesus gave the boy back to his father. All the people were amazed at the great power of God. The people were still amazed about all the things Jesus did.
It’s interesting, these men who had been with Jesus, experienced his teaching and witnessed miracles, who had performed some of their own, who had been with him at the transfiguration, failed in this opportunity… just as you and I and our dads do so often. Jesus was disappointed with them, but he didn’t give up on them. He knew who they could become in spite of their human weaknesses.

As we celebrate Father’s Day tomorrow, let’s each one give thanks for our dads at their best, when they have been like the dad in Luke 9 and the times they have been most like Jesus. Let’s also extend grace to our dads for the times they have failed. And let’s be thankful for a God who never gives up on any of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Rick and Happy Father's Day too! My calendar reminded me early this morning that it was your day, but Lisa beat me to the punch! I loved seeing the pictures of the wedding weekend! Hope you have a wonderful day! Lisa Mc