Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter... The Event

We arrived at Barnes and Noble about 8:30, and found a line that stretched across the front of the store and all the way down the side to the back corner. This was the line for folks who had already reserved a book to wait to get their number. Sooo... we got in line and waited. After about 30 minutes Nanna and Kaleb went back into the store to check things out. They found out that, while one of us needed to stand in line, the others could go inside and enjoy some of the activities. I took the line and they went on in. They'd missed the costume contest, but there were other activities. Actually Kaleb found another book and started reading.

I finally made it into the store and got our wrist band with number 251 about 10:15. Really don't know why it all seemed to move so slowly... guess they were just being careful... security is important at such times, right?!?

Nanna headed home around 10:30. At 11:00 they started trying to organize people in the store... with an emphasis on trying rather than organize. At midnight they headed the first 50 folks toward the cash registers and attempted to herd the rest of us into lines snaking through different parts of the store, 50 at a time. It was helpful that everyone was pretty good-spirited about it all. Kaleb had finished his book by this time, so he just read several short ones as we waited. By 12:45 we had our book in hand and were headed toward the car. In addition to all those with numbers in the store, when we left there were probably 200 more who had not reserved books who were lined up outside waiting their turn to lay down some cash.

We pulled into the driveway at 1:05 and headed for bed. Kaleb had read the first 20 pages on the way home. I was having a hard enough time focusing on the road. Finally, before heading off to bed, Kaleb wanted to do two more things... eat a couple of fresh cherries... and give his Nanna a goodnight kiss.

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