Sunday, July 01, 2007

SF Final

Here are some parting shots from our SF getaway. The one above was shot from the end or Pier 45 (or maybe it was 46). Anyway, VJ wanted to get some video of water and fog and the Golden Gate Bridge, so after lunch we hiked out to the end of this working pier and had a wonderful panoramic view. The shot above is really 5 layers... the breakwater, a passing boat, Alcatraz, Angel Island behind it, and Marin County in the background. Pretty cool!

We ate lunch at the famous Boudin Bakery, the originators of the sour dough bread bowl with clam chowder. Yum!
We also took a little tour of the bakery... quite a wonderful process. Some of the finished product is in the shot below.
Here's a shot from that pier, looking back at the city. What a view!!
We stopped later in the day at The Cannery to sip a drink. I thought the bougainvillea was really amazing!
It was such a clear day on Friday. Hiking back to the hotel in the early evening I couldn't resist this shot down a side street with the Bay Bridge, East Bay, and even the tip of Mt Diablo in the background.

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