Monday, April 21, 2008

April in Moscow - 4, Race Day

Sunday morning we got up early and headed to Spokane for a race Jennifer had registered to run. It was a trail race in a state park, mostly along the river. They actually offered a 5K, 10K, 25K, and 50K, and Jen, along with most of the other runners, chose the 10K. It was in the upper 20s and clear when we headed north from Moscow. However, as we approached Spokane we started to get snow, sometimes enough to accumulate.

The race course was through some beautiful but fairly rough terrain. There were a few hills, and the footing along some of the trail was sketchy, but the winner rain around 30:00 I think, although he was pretty much all alone.

This shot certainly recalls many times from years past... from when the kids were little and we were taking them to either to cross country meets with the Cabot High School team I was coaching or to road races. Talk about a role reversal! I guess I'm back to being "coach" for a day. It was still pretty cold and windy as the race began, even though the snow moved on to the west. By race's end, it had warmed up to the upper 30's with sun, so it wasn't too bad on the spectators... the ones who always suffer most from cold race conditions. :-)

Kaleb enjoyed the race in his own way, exploring and using his inventive imagination.

Jen, Fok and Claire with some fellow racers before the 10K start.

Here are a couple of shots of Jen a little after the 5 mile mark.

After race shots with Virginia and Fok. He runs as well, but chose to be chief encourager and Claire's dad for this one.

And, or course, what would a race day be without some time with Claire!?!

1 comment:

Jen said...

We had a great time this weekend! Thanks for coming up and spending it with us!!