Saturday, September 20, 2008

Supporting the Kids

Back in late June a couple of families who live in our area experienced a tragic loss. The parents had gone on a trip together in a small plane, and during the return trip the plane crashed and all four were killed. One of the dads was a police officer for BART. The other was running for a seat as Contra Costa County Supervisor. The parents left behind 7 children ranging in age from 3 to 13. Both families were long-time residents of the area, and they had many friends through church and community activities. Their extended families have provided homes for the kids.

Today the community did an all day fund raiser at Prewett Family Water Park to with the proceeds going to the surviving children. Lots of donated items to raffle and for silent auction. Several eateries provided food. A DJ offered his services. There was a massage therapist. Of course, all the families who came had fun doing all the water park things. And there were also some volunteers there just to help out. Virginia and I were in that last group. We sold raffle tickets for about 3 hours and then walked around for a while.

Don't have any idea how much was raised for the 7 children, but it was pretty neat just to be part of such an effort. When people come together to selflessly give their time and resources to help others, whether they know it or not, I believe that is when they are most like God... and I like to think it makes Him smile.

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