Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Logo Shirts

A little over a year ago Brice got one of his buddies to design a new logo for us. Pretty cool, eh!?! This winter one of our members started pushing the idea of getting shirts with the logo on them to wear at service projects, conferences, to work, around town, etc.
The husband of one of the ladies Virginia works with at the PD has a T-shirt (and other printed stuff) business, so he we asked him to work with us. We decided to offer white, gray and dark blue shirts in regular t-shirts, long sleeved T's, and polo style shirts. They came out great. We ended up ordering over 90 shirts for our members, so the project totally paid for itself.
All of this made me think: Is living like a Christian in this world as simple as just wearing a logo shirt? Somehow I don't think so, but maybe for some of us it will be one more step. Want one? We have a few left.

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