Saturday, April 07, 2007

A Hike, a Picnic, and Our Friend, Marube

Today was our annual Easter Egg Hunt and Family Picnic out at the Black Diamond Mines picnic area. Virginia and I decided to hike over the hills to get there, backpacking our lunch with us. We headed up our street and and over the hill at the public access to the park area off Grimsby Court. When we got to the top, instead of going down the trail to the Contra Loma Reservoir like we usually do, I had the bright idea to head across a cow path, hoping to intersect with another trail that would take us to Black Diamond Mines, saving us quite a few steps... or so I thought. We were welcomed to the pasture area by this bull and several cows, all grazing peacefully as we entered their space thinking of the California Happy Cows commercials.

This route gave us a new view of the reservoir.

However, this route did not intersect with the trial I thought it would. Instead we ended up climbing a very steep trail along a fence row, arriving atop a hill with no apparent way forward. Not wanting to go back, we finally climbed a barbed wire fence (video of that would be worth the price of admission), and worked our way down a very steep section, eventually arriving back at an official trail. Honestly, we could have used some rope! Here's a shot of VJ with our recent descent in the background. Let's just say the shot does not do it justice.

We finally made it to the picnic area, treating ourselves to some beautiful views along the way up some pretty steep trails. The panoramic shot at the top is one. I think if you click on it you'll get a larger pic to view. We got there, ate our lunches, visited with people, and when things broke up, Virginia hitched a ride home and I hiked back with Nyabuto Marube. I know, I know, most of you are saying, "Who?" First a picture, then an explanation.

The shot above is from the Ridge Trail as we hiked back, but let's back up. For many years not Eastside has supported Marube, a native Kenyan minister, in his work near Nairobi, Kenya. A church in Oklahoma paid his airfare, and he was able to get a visa, so he left his family for a 4-week trip to the states to visit friends and churches who are either involve with or interested in the Kenyan work. He has bee staying with Virginia and me while in Antioch, and it's been a joy getting to know him... such a sweet Christian Spirit. He'll teach a combined adult class and preach tomorrow. Monday evening he'll fly to Portland, then on to Ohio and Illinois before flying home from Chicago on the 23rd.

He and I enjoyed the hike back home. Arriving at the Contra Loma Reservoir meant we were getting closer.

I'll leave you with an unusually shot. We ran across a momma duck and some little ones swimming along the edge of the water. They even agreed to pose for the shot. :-)

Well, that's it for today!
Happy Easter everyone! Praise God for the resurrection!!

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