Sunday, April 01, 2007

Spring Flowers

It's amazing how pretty the spring flowers are right not,and they are "busting out" all over the place. Here are a few of them just here in our yard for your enjoyment.

I don't know what these bushes are called, but they have these cool daisy-like flowers much of the year.

We have 5 rose bushes of various sorts out front. Three of them are mature bushes, and this one has the prettiest roses. Yet they are so delicate they begin falling apart after just a day or two. The photo does not do it justice.

Another shot that doesn't tell the story too well, but notice all the buds on this bush. Each of them will be a fairly traditional and beautiful red rose.

Someone at Virginia's work gave us a couple of iris bulbs last fall. We put them in a big pot, and look what is coming up this spring. Pretty cool!!

Again, my botany ignorance shows through because I have no idea what these bushes are called. Most places you see these they are more like ground cover, but these are so old and big that we trained and trimmed them to look more like small trees (at least from the street). Anyway, this time of year they are covered with these beautiful purple cluster blooms, and the bees love them!!

Virginia's wild flower patch is mostly full of California poppies right now, and they are really going to town. I took this shot in the evening after the blooms had closed up for the evening. Tomorrow when the sun comes out they will open up and be brilliant... more like the shot at the bottom from last year.

Well, that's enough for today... from your local blooming idiot.

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