Sunday, April 22, 2007

Muir Woods to Stinson Beach

As I mentioned Friday, Virginia and I spent most of Saturday hiking with Ron and Tresa. What a great day!! I think we were all pretty tired by the end of the day... it drizzled on us the second half of the hike... I'm pretty stiff and sore this evening... but boy-oh-boy was it a great day. As I've said before, when God created the world he seems to have paid a little extra creative attention to the beauty and variety of the Bay area. And we got to see a wonderful cross section between 9:00 and 4:30 yesterday.

Muir woods is northern rain forest at its best, replete with ferns of several varieties, branches covered with rich mosses, and lush vegetation. Stinson Beach is typical beautiful NoCal beach. The five miles between the two traverses hills and valleys with stunning changes in terrain and vegetation. The shot at the top of the page is a panorama of Stinson Beach as we were descending on the Dipsea Trail. Here are a few representative shots.

Virginia and Tresa on an uphill section early in the hike

Looking back after emerging from Muir woods at the top of the hill on the Dipsea Trail. Leaving the woods was like walking from one room to another. Note the low cloud bank.

This blue lupine was growing just as we left the woods. We saw a lot of it on the descent to Stinson Beach, but not in the woods.

Queen Ann's lace along the trail toward the beach.

Let's end with a shot of Stinson Beach at low tide.

More tomorrow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We LOVE Muir Woods. What a beautiful place! I enjoy your blog.

Keith L