Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Chin Whiskers

Back in the 80's and early 90's I grew a beard or goatee several times. Or maybe I should say I attempted to let hair grow on my face. I never was one of those guys who could just neglect shaving for a few days and, voila, there's a beard. I really had to nurture mine along. I think there are a few more whiskers on my face than in those days, but it's really pretty much the same.

People always have opinions about beards and such. For example, my mom has never been happy with facial hair... on me or my brother. She thinks facial hair is disgusting. Virginia doesn't mind it... at least after it grows beyond that prickly stage. She says she loves me with or without a beard... which is a good thing considering, as I mentioned above, that my ability to grow hair on my face is not in that upper quartile.

I last had a goatee sort of beard back in the early to mid 90's. I shaved it off because many of the whiskers were coming in white while the rest of the hair on my head was still brown. I decided it was easier to shave than to pluck, so I've been pretty much clean shaven since.

I often skip a day or even two shaving, and last week I let it stretch a day or two more, not shaving before going to church Sunday. Well, that led to a few comments about my "growth" (some positive and some negative). So, i decided to solicit your opinions about whether or not I should keep my new chin whiskers. You are encouraged to vote on the poll here on the blog. Here are a couple of pictures, so you can make an informed vote.

Here's one close up just in case you are having trouble seeing the whiskers in question.

OK, so the evidence is in... scroll down to the bottom of the page and vote!!


Philip said...

So, as I'm scrolling through my morning blogs, I realize... 'that's a less than flattering picture of Claire'... only to realize... it's not a picture of Claire at all this time.

As a fellow, light facial hair guy, I can only look, admire, and then envy. Keep it... at least until you see your mom again.

Anonymous said...

I like it! You look disgusted; I mean distinguished!!! LOL

You look good Rick! I tried the same when we were at WDW last year but I got too irritated by it and shaved it off.

Good to see you...we'll have to get together for a visit sometime.