Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Missing the Point

Virginia and I have been reading a book written by Brian McClaren and Tony Campolo called Adventures in Missing the Point. The point of the book is to explore ideas about the variety of ways the church (and/or Christians in general) have missed the point... or sometimes majored in minors. Each chapter is penned by one of them, ending with a response to the chapter by the other guy. While their points of view are sometimes different, they usually find a good patch of common ground.

We've been doing this reading in the mornings before we go to work, so it usually takes us at least a couple of days to get through a chapter. The one we just finished, written by McClaren, is titled Missing the Point: Doubt. I really like how it ends:

But here's where faith comes in - a faith that leans on God, not our own theology. We have the challenge of believing that good answers are out there, if we only have the courage to press through the intellectual pain of questioning, seeking, learning and stretching. I believe Jesus when he said he'll never leave us or forsake us - and that includes even when we question. Or as St Paul said, even when we are faithless, God remains faithful. It's ironic: the more free I am to doubt a specific belief, the more free I am to hold on to that person-to-person faith in God. At the point where the tide of faith seems the lowest, if we hang on and don't give up, we'll see the tide rise again.
After all, to trust our beliefs about God more than we trust God - wouldn't that be missing the point?

1 comment:

Josh said...

McLaren really leaves you with a great question. I have the book on my shelf in the "Have not read yet" section. I hope to begin reading it soon.

I hope all is well with you guys and your leadership/church transitions.

You're awesome!