Thursday, February 08, 2007

Nashville Bound

Well, tomorrow morning we'll head to the Oakland airport and catch a flight to Nashville. Virginia's mom had a birthday the end of January, so I guess this is sort of a belated trip to celebrate that event... or at least just to see her and the other Nashville family. One or both of us manages to get back there at least once a year, and it's always good to catch up with everyone.

It's supposed to be pretty cold while we're there, but not nearly like in some parts of the country. For that I'm really thankful! We'll just take some layers and we'll be fine. At least we'll miss out on the rain here. We have a series of storms coming in and we're way behind on rain, but if we're gone when it's coming down, that'll be OK with me. It's supposed to be relatively dry in Nashville.

One really positive by-product to our much needed rain is that there will be lots of snow in the Sierras for the youth snow trip this weekend. They'd have fun anyway, but fresh snow on a snow trip is always just the ticket!

Back to Nashville, we'll get to make two trips there this year. Our nephew, Russell is getting married in June, and we plan to make the trip. We'll fly into Little Rock to pick up my mom and drive over to Nashville. Looking forward to that, and it's still several months away.

Probably won't blog while I'm gone, so hope everyone has a blessed weekend.

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