Saturday, February 24, 2007


Virginia has one of her Crime Analyst Certification classes this weekend at Sacramento State. She got up early Friday and left around 5:00, getting there in plenty of time to hit Starbucks before time for class.
I left the office a little after 2:00 and headed to Sac as well, driving along the River Road much of the way... more scenic... less traffic. I got there before VJ got out of class, so I hung out at Starbucks until she called me. We met at the Larkspur Landing, the hotel where the APD put her up. It's designed to be one of those extended stay places for business folks... very nicely furnished, kitchen, good work space, internet connection, etc. After we checked in, I got in a nice run along the river while she did her homework... give me a run instead of homework any day of the week.
We ate at Chevy's last night... good Mexican food... and watched a movie in the room. Today she was at class again, and I worked on my sermon for tomorrow and got in a good workout. We met for lunch at a salad place, and after her class finished for the day we grabbed a bite of supper before I kissed her goodbye and headed home. I think she'll finish up around noon tomorrow and then point her Honda this way as well. The main thing she doesn't like about these weekend classes is that she has to miss church. Oh well, only one more this spring (I think), and then she'll finish up next fall.
Tomorrow is our annual Child Dedication service where we give parents the opportunity to commit to raising their children in the Lord and we, as their church family, commit to helping them. It's always such an uplifting time together. I'll try to write a little about it tomorrow. Right now, it's time to wind down and start heading toward bed.

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