Sunday, September 16, 2007

Marine Layer

In the Bay Area there is this climate phenomenon called the marine layer. Basically, it's when the cool air and fog move in from the ocean over land, cooling down all the areas it reaches. Where we live, it might be in the upper 90s on a summer day, but only in the 60s an hour away near the ocean. There are several sets of hills between the ocean and where we live in Antioch, so we usually only feel the indirect effects... that cool stiff evening breeze from the west. If the marine layer is thick (deep) enough, we can sometimes see it peeking over the last set of hills before getting to us. Check out the picture above, taken from our front porch looking west. As a result of the cool air blowing in off the Pacific, even here in Antioch our highs have been only in the upper 70s and low 80s the last few days. Fall is near... I love this weather!!

For those who check here to catch the latest Claire photo, I don't want to disappoint. Below are a couple of her one month shots. She looks pretty relaxed in the bouncer, don't you think. :) Of course, there are more shots on Jen's blog and the photo site. Enjoy!!

1 comment:

Philip said...

Great post, but I was a little disappointed at first. I thought the title was "Marine Lawyer."

I was expecting an Admiralty Legal analysis and instead received a weather update.

My brother said the weather was pretty unusual in San Fran this weekend. It's hard to believe there's THAT much of a difference between the coast and your place.