Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fires and Jury Duty

I know all of you have likely been following the horrible fires in SoCal. Please continue to pray that the winds will die down and people will be safe. Thank you!

A month or so back I got a jury summons for today. The way it works, I called the designated number after 5:00 yesterday and the automated instructions told me that I did not need to report to Martinez this morning but should call back at 11:30 today to find out if I needed to report this afternoon. When I called, the gentle automated voice explained that all of us in groups 1-10 had completed our service... no need to report. I gotta say, that's the way to fulfill jury duty!!

Well, the poll surprisingly ran rather heavily toward keeping my chin whiskers, so I guess I will for a while. Maybe in a few more days I'll take another pic and post it. Hmmm... maybe I should get VJ to photoshop it to remove all the white... although that might be a pretty taxing job for the computer.

Pray for those firefighters!!

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