Friday, January 09, 2009

A Birthday

No, not mine or Virginia's. Today is Kaleb's birthday, and it's really hard to imagine that boy is 10 years old. Wow!! I seriously remember when I was 10 years old in Mr Silverstien's class, and I remember things about his mom being 10 years old. We moved to Houston when Jeremy was 10 years old. How can Kaleb be 10 already!?!?!

Happy Birthday, Kaleb!!

You're a great kid and a wonderful grandson.

And, you share a birthday with a wonderful song writer, Joan Baez. Here are the lyrics from one of her songs, Blessed Are:

Blessed are the one way ticket holders on a one way street.
Blessed are the midnight riders for in the shadow of God they sleep.
Blessed are the huddled hikers staring out at falling rain, wondering at the retribution in their personal acquaintance with pain.
Blessed are the blood relations of the young ones who have died, who had not the time or patience to carry on this earthly ride.
Rain will come and winds will blow, wild deer die in the mountain snow.
Birds will beat at heaven's wall, what comes to one must come to us all.
For you and I are one way ticket holders on a one way street which lies across a golden valley where the waters of joy and hope run deep.
So if you pass the parents weeping of the young ones who have died, take them to your warmth and keeping for blessed are the tears they cried and many were the years they tried.
Take them to that valley wide and let their souls be pacified.


Amanda Brooke Kilgore said...

Kaleb, you are more handsome than ever! I hope your mom is preparing herself for the girls that will soon be knocking on your door, calling you, etc. Whew! I know my boys will be ten before I bat an eye; too hard to think about right now. Hope you had a perfect birthday!

JLangston said...

Happy Birthday Kaleb!! I can't believe you're 10 either! That means Abby will be 10 in a few months - wow!

Best wishes for a great year!