Sunday, January 11, 2009

Doing What Is Right

Isaac Asimov once wrote, "Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right." Now, there are plenty of things that Asimov said that I would take issue with, but I think he may be hitting uncomfortably close to home with this quote.

Have you ever heard anyone who has broken a rule or a law in order to help someone justify what they did by saying something like, "I know what the rule said, but I just felt I had to do what was right?" I have... I may have even said something like that... I've certainly heard others and sympathized.

I think Jesus would understand as well. Remember that the Pharisees of his day had, with mostly honorable motives, created a system of rules... a morality if you will... that detailed how to live before God but that sometimes stood in the way of doing the right thing as understood by Jesus.

Sooo... when does a particular understanding of what is moral fail us? How do we know? Are there times we need a better informed moral compass? Difficult questions to answer fully to be sure, but perhaps something to think and pray about... as we look for opportunities to do the right thing.

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