Saturday, February 21, 2009

Back East

I remember when I was growing up in California in the 50's and 60's after moving there in '56 that people who were natives often referred to places like Oklahoma or Texas as "back East." I thought that was a bit odd because "back East" to me meant places like NYC or Boston. I guess it's all in your perspective.

Well, Thursday afternoon I headed "back East" courtesy of SW Airlines, landing in Nashville and spending the night with Kent and Susan. Friday Kent and I drove west to Cabot, Arkansas to visit Mom, so I'm writing this from her house. We're having a good visit; Kent will drive back to Nashville early in the morning, and I'll fly home Tuesday. We've missed having Virginia and Susan here... probably been 40 years since it's been just Kent and me with Mom and/or Dad.

We spent quite a bit of time cleaning up her computer today, and we installed a wireless network (hence this post). There are a few more things to do as well, changing light bulbs, fixing a shelf or two, maybe some other things. Ryan drove down from Harding in the afternoon, so it was good to see him. Mostly this visit is a time to enjoy just being together, including dinner at Dixie Cafe tonight. Thanks, Mom!

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