Tuesday, February 10, 2009


From Ron Rose's latest FaithNotes email.


"If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale and gave all my money to the church, would I get into Heaven?" I asked the kindergartners.

"No!" the children answered in unison.

"OK, if I prayed everyday, went to church every Sunday, was even kind to the bullies, and kept my room neat and clean, would I get into Heaven?"

Again, the answer was,"No!"

"Well," I continued, "then how can I get into Heaven?"

One outspoken little boy yelled out, "You gotta be dead."

Don't look for the complicated when you talk with children, but be ready for truth.


Ask someone close to you to pray for you this week. Tell them you are testing your faith. Invite them to ask God two things for you: (1)To put Jesus sightings in your path this week and (2)To do whatever is necessary for you to seize that moment. Now trust God to show up. It's a simple "childlike" trait. Look for Jesus in your opportunities to forgive, to accept, to listen, to serve, and to coach. He lives in you. Keep your eyes open for other followers of Jesus who are testing their faith. What will it take to see Jesus this week? Nothing! Just open your eyes and let it happen.

To check out more at Ron's web site, click here.

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