Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Price of Fear

What are our fears? What are you afraid of? Those were among the questions Brice asked us today as we looked at how fear of who Jesus was and what he was teaching led some of his day to not only reject him but to kill him. Thank God that he is indeed the Cornerstone for all who believe.

Praise the Lord
We Shall Assemble
Welcome and Family News
We Have Come to Worship Him
Shout Hallelujah
Reading: Mark 8:31
Why Did My Savior Come to Earth?
Reading: 1 Peter 2:4-5
In Christ Alone
Communion: Remembering Our Cornerstone
O Sacred Head
Children’s Sermon & Invitation to Children’s Church
In Christ Alone (reprise)
Here Is My Heart
Days of Elijah
Shepherd’s Blessing

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