Sunday, October 16, 2005

Men's Retreat

I woke up Saturday morning to the smell of coffee brewing, bacon cooking and quiet conversation coming from the other room. It was light outside, and the younger guys in the large room where soom of us had slept were still sleeping, so I got up and headed for a cup of coffee. Daryl had been up for about an hour, and he had made some real headway on breakfast. That man has a gift with food... and he enjoys the cooking he is so good at. I poured a cup and went to look out one of the windows. There was a light and evenly distributed dusting of snow on the ground and the trees, and water dripped from the roof as the heat from the cabin melted the snow on the roof. What a pristine image as we began a new day.

Chick had gotten to my house about 3:00 Friday afternoon, and Doug picked us up around 4:45. We successfully negotiated the traffic around Sacramento, though it was a bit heavy in places, and headed up I-80 into the Sierras toward Truckee. Ken and Daryl greeted us, the first of the Friday night arrivals, and the other cars all rolled in over the next hour or so. Supper was Daryl's "whatever-I-have-on-hand" chile... it was great!! We were in for one of those special weekends.

Friday night and Saturday we explored some of the ideas John Eldredge talks about in his book, Wild at Heart. Good presentations, meaningful discussion, more good food... I think we all came away with a commitment to live the adventure God has for us. It was a very good weekend... already looking forward to next year.

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