Friday, October 07, 2005

Missing ZOE

Virginia called me from Nashville earlier today, and I think I'm going through "ZOE withdrawals" today. This is the first Nashville ZOE Conference I have not attended. From the very first one... with only about 200 of us, through last year with 1400 or however many can fit in the Great Hall at Woodmont Hills.

She, Mike, Michele, and Marla flew to Nashville early yesterday for the annual Leadership and Worship Conferences. Frankly, after traveling Thursday through Tuesday, I was sort of glad I wasn't going when she left... but NOW I'm missing all the classes, singing, catching up with folks, etc. that's always so much a part of ZOE weekends. I know it made sense for me to stay home, but now I'm REALLY looking forward to ZOE Fresno in January. Also, I have needed these days in the office anyway... reality check, Rick.

Of course, another plus for going to Nashville is that we have family there... and I'm not getting to see them this year. But, my nephew, Ryan, ran a PR (17:03 - 5K) in a cross country race on his 16th birthday. Way to go, Ryan!!

OK..... now just when does January get here???

1 comment:

Karen said...

Last I checked, it comes after December. I sure hope I get to go to Fresno, too.