Thursday, October 20, 2005


I'm watching a DVD tonight while Virginia is gone to a baby shower. It's been a long time since I read the Iliad, but the story is fresh in my memory. I remember the themes of love and greed and power and intrigue... in the Homer's rich style.

The movie is... well a movie... and because it is, it is much more graphic than reading Homer's epic poem. It is indeed a reminder of just how bloody all those battles we read about in the Bible actually were.

Now to the reason I'm even writing this at all. At one point in the movie Achilles is asked, "When will it end?" His reply is simply, "It will never end." And centuries later, it has not ended.

To paraphrase the late Reuel Lemmons, only the gospel of Jesus will make way for the doves of peace to build their nests in our cannon barrels.

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