Saturday, January 14, 2006

Mission Follow-up

Today at noon Virginia, Darlene, Jacque, Wade and I represented Eastside at the Mission Christmas follow-up lunch at the New Hope church offices. It was mostly a time for the leaders of the planning group to just say "Thank you" to those who helped plan or worked as volunteers back on that first Saturday in December. We had some great Mexican food catered in, and there were about 40 of us there. It was really neat to see folks representing several different churches eating together, talking together, basking in our shared faith, and committing to work together in 2006 to put together another big event for the poor and homeless next December.

This group is fortunate to have Dee Collins as our planning leader and chief communicator. She is gifted, she is passionate about ministry, and she loves the Lord. She and her husband give a significant amount of time and energy to this project. Thank you, Dee.

And, speaking of energy and passion, Darlene told me that she and Georgia will become part of the planning team, joining John in representing us at meetings beginning in March. I think they will bring gifts to this team, and their involvement will make it easier for Eastside to perhaps be even more involved this coming year. I'm looking forward to it.


Dee Collins said...

I was posting my own blog about the mission when I noticed yours...small world!
Thanks for the nice comments. You are such a great example with loving others.
Dee Collins

Dee Collins said...

You can find my "mission blog" at

Dee Collins said...

Pastor Rick,
I have another idea to implement for 2006 Christmas event. I would like to find out if we can find a doctor and dentist and have a free clinic. I have one lead on that and will pursue it.