Saturday, August 25, 2007

Mission Moscow - 2

Well yesterday was definitely a work day... go a lot of stuff done, including replacing a window, killing wasps. washing outside windows (I even remembered the basic squeegee skills from my brief stint at window washing 30 years ago), cleaning out cob webs outside, cabinet catches, new furnace filters, a trip to the hardware store, and..... all the stuff the others did as well. Kaleb was a good helper, and we had fun. He and his mom also walked to his new school for a tour and to meet the principal... think he'll like it.

This morning started with a trip to the local farmers' market... not a big one, but lots of good stuff, and man was it crowded. We made it home with plenty of produce and and some homemade sweet rolls.

Well, off to get some more stuff done. More later...

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