Monday, August 13, 2007

Ruby Claire Gah Yee Johnson Leung

Well, about 1:30 this morning, miss Claire made her appearance into this world. Fok had called us along the way a couple of times, and he called right after the birth with the great news. Apparently the whole evening went really smoothly... mother and daughter are both doing great.

August 13 is one day short of Virginia's birthday, but this way Claire gets her own day, although we do have a good friend in Houston born on 8/13. She was 7 lbs and 1 oz, 20 inches long.

Here are the very first photos of this sweet little girl.

First pic with a phone camera.

Kaleb with his mom and his brand new sister.

Claire with her Daddy.

One last shot of sleeping beauty. Can't wait to see her eyes and hold her myself.

The birthing center at the hospital is really cool. Claire's "official" pic should soon be posted here. If you're interested you can surf around the site.

So, it's time for another trip to Idaho. Virginia will fly out early Wednesday morning. I'll follow the following Tuesday, and we'll both come home on the 27th. Can't wait!!

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