Thursday, October 16, 2008

With all the political attacks, serious stuff, and absolutely ridiculous stuff being said, I thought it was time for a "lighter side of politics" post. Here are some quotes courtesy of the latest issue of Reader's Digest.
Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies. - Groucho Marx
Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad name - Henry Kissinger
To lodge all power in one party and keep it there is to insure bad government. - Mark Twain
Do you ever get the feeling that the only reason we have elections is to find out if the polls were right? - Robert Orben
Washington, D.C., is to lying what Wisconsin is to cheese. - Dennis Miller
I'm older than dirt, I've got more scars than Frankenstein, but I've learned a few things along he way. - John McCain
Everybody knows politics is a contact sport. - Barack Obama
And finally...
An election is coming. Universal peace is declared, and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry. - George Eliot

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