Monday, September 04, 2006

Paint and Video

Labor Day... that holiday day set aside to honor the American worker with a day of rest. Except that's not typically been our pattern, and this year is no exception. There have been years when we've done things like cookouts in the park or softball with friends or maybe even a trip somewhere, but out more normal Labor Day usually consist of... well... labor!

Virginia's been working overtime to complete the video retrospective of Mark and Karen Howell's 20 years with Sharpstown / Sugar Grove, and today was a full day as she put all the finishing touches on what I think will be a real treat for Mark and Karen. In fact, I believe everyone will enjoy it!

I spent the day prepping, masking and painting two of our bathrooms... the 1/2 bath downstairs and the one off our bedroom. We decided to paint them the same color, so I just treated it as one project. It took two coats in both bathrooms, but the end result is pretty good. There were so many little things to do and minor repairs to make that it took me all day.

But... we ended up the day with some wonderful grilled pork chops with squash and onions... ymmmm. Virginia even brought home some ice cream as a treat for all our hard work... thanks, sweetie!!

Happy Labor Day!!

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