Saturday, September 02, 2006

Hills, Vacuums, and Burritos

It was soooo cool and nice at 7:30 this morning when I met Randy at the Contra Loma trail head for our weekly run back toward the Black Diamond Mines. That should have made for a great run... and it wasn't bad... but I was having trouble breathing... wheezing a bit... so it wasn't as enjoyable as it might have been. When the pollen was so heavy last spring the doctor gave me an inhaler to use as needed. Guess I probably needed it today. Still enjoyed the cool breeze... never enjoy the hills.

We don't have a janitorial service at church. I think we used to, but a number of years ago the church set up cleaning teams made up of members who are responsible for doing all the basic cleaning a month at a time. Virginia and I are on the September cleaning team with some other folks. Some teams try to meet together and do all the cleaning at one time. Our members, like most of the teams, come to the building when our schedules permit and share the cleaning that way. There's a really neat wooden thingy on the inside of the cleaning closet door where you slide blocks to the right when you do a job. That way everyone knows what's been done and what is left to do. Virginia and I usually don't make it until Saturday afternoon, so we get to do what's left. This week we did all the vacuuming at the main building, washed glass doors and took out all the trash. I actually like this system... one more small way to remind ourselves that we should be good stewards of our blessings.

On the way home we stopped at OSH to get some paint and other stuff. After running this morning and all that cleaning, we realized we were pretty hungry, so we decided on an early supper at Juarez, a small and really good Mexican food place not far from our house. It's a local establishment, and the food is basic fare, but it's authentic, tasty, and reasonably priced. VJ had a 1/2 steak burrito meal, and I had a full pork burrito meal... we both brought leftovers home. I love it!!

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