Monday, March 20, 2006


Well, after a pretty nice weekend we had rain and 50's today... with snow down to the 2500 foot level. Doesn't sound much like early spring in the Bay Area, eh? But I'm not complaining... I've seen the blizzards and floods in other areas of the country... it's just sorta strange.

This is our third spring here in Antioch, and each one has been a little different from the other two. The weather hasn't been nearly as predictable as it was in Oxnard growing up. That's not a bad thing... just an observation. It's actually pretty nice, being surprised by the weather. Just goes to show you that, to quote Morgan Freeman's character in Robin Hood, God "likes wondrous variety."

I'm enjoying our spring... I hope you're enjoying yours.

1 comment:

Karen said...

That has to be my favorite line from that movie! Along with the child's question that preceded it: "Did God paint you?"