Sunday, March 05, 2006


Whew! What a weekend! Friday after lunch Jarrod and I drove to Sacramento to get set up for our roles in the Northern California Spiritual Training Seminar at Cordova Church of Christ. We got the lay of the land and grabbed an early dinner at Chevy's with Chris Goldman, his family and some of the other presenters. Back at the building I met with the singers from Cordova (Vicki, Tim, Keith, Bill and Perry) to work through the songs we were singing that night and Saturday. As we rehearsed, Karen, Lauren, and Virginia arrived, so we had a full praise team.

Our worship that evening was really rich and set a great tone for the weekend. Everyone really joined in as we sang. Just before our worship, Larry Nunley from Valencia did about 30 minutes of comedy... funny stuff! He also did some teaching with the teens during the weekend.

Saturday was a full day. I taught 2 classes on Missional Worship and led twice more. There were several presenters, and about 200 folks benefited. Jarrod did a 3-hour in depth look at preaching through Acts. Dewey Howard from Lubbock did Adult Ed. Mark Henderson from Oklahoma City did the Leadership track. There were others as well... GREAT equipping weekend.

By the time we got home, I was bushed... went to bed a little early... nice!

Today, Shawn and Dee Collins joined our bible class to share about their possibility of working on a project with Wycliffe Bible Translators. Shawn just finished a degree in 3-D animation, and Wycliffe wants to do an animated bible that can be used in many areas of the world for the deaf. Shawn and Dee have asked our class to be their prayer support group as they go through the process. After church we went to lunch with them, so we got to talk a lot more. Such a great couple... so willing to go where God is leading them.

After lunch we went to Walnut Creek Kaiser Hospital to visit Nancy Low. She's doing some better, but she'll be in the hospital until she can eat regularly and get some strength back in her legs.

Tonight at church we did an"old fashioned singing" complete with requests and several song leaders. Just before church, Ruth called me to let us know she had taken Tim to the hospital with chest pains. We went by after church, and it looks like he had a mild heart attach. He's in good spirits and will have further tests tomorrow.

It was a busy weekend... but it was full of good stuff. Thank you, Lord, when you help me see with your eyes.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Wow! And I thought I had a busy weekend. Reading blogs really does help me keep things in perspective, sometimes. Glad you had a great weekend!