Sunday, April 30, 2006

Spring Planting

Yesterday and today were the first weekend days this spring when we've been home and had dry weather to get out and work in the yard... and what a nice weekend it has been. Saturday, VJ and I hiked over the hill to Contra Loma Regional Park and just enjoyed the beauty. Virginia said that whenever we walk over there it feels like we're on vacation. I told her that any time I'm with her feels like vacation... good line, huh!?! The truth is I really mean it. :-) Here's one shot just to tease you.

After we walked, I ran for a while and we spent the rest of the day working in the yard trimming, pruning, pulling weeds, planting... you know, it would probably say be more accurate to say we worked until we were spent... that actually happened before daylight ran out because we were both pretty hot and tired. At least VJ got a couple of rose bushes in the ground... hope it's not too late in the season. Then a little later those nice thick pork chops we grilled a bit later sure helped us feel better.
This afternoon we fixed a sandwich and headed out in the yard again... the back this time to set out tomato and squash plants and plant green bean seeds, seeds for more squash, and some random flower seeds. Should be an interesting garden in a few weeks... providing the seeds come up.

We had our final EBPTeam practice at Livermore tonight. Several were not able to be there, but we had a really good rehearsal anyway... sort of like God is bringing it all together in His timing. If you're at the Pepperdine lectures this week, come sing with us in Stauffer Chapel at 7:30 Friday morning and/or 2:00 Friday in Elkins.

Doubt that I'll have much time to blog this week... maybe after Pepperdine. God bless!

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