Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Got a call this afternoon from Jill, a friend from Houston, with a song lyric question. I didn't know the answer, but we figured it out. Anyway, she was in Oklahoma City attending the funeral of Adam Langford, a former classmate of hers at OC several years back. He was part of a mission team in Jinja, Uganda and was killed in a truck rollover accident. A local church leader, Moses Kimezi, was also killed in the wreck. You can read all the details of the accident and learn a little about the God-honoring work of this mission team here. Pray for the families and the mission team.

We're introducing a new song Sunday, "Hear Is My Heart." It's Jeremy's arrangement from the second True Lift contemporary CD, My Everything. It's a very moving confessional song with an almost lilting waltz feel and expresses a confidence that God desires to forgive and heal us if only we will open our hearts to him. You can listen to a sample here. I think the church will really like it.

There was a really good spirit at praise team rehearsal tonight. Nearly every Wednesday night is a good experience, but there was a buoyancy tonight that was pretty special. Some of it was probably because we a few more than most weeks, but that wasn't all of it. Not sure what was different, but it almost seemed that the Spirit shaped what is usually a good experience into perhaps a God experience.

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