Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Keeping Pace

Today Ruth, Kyle and I were working on the church calendar that's posted in the office hallway. It's one of those big blotter-type calendars with one month per sheet. We have all twelve months plastered all over the walls so anyone can easily see what's going on any time of the year... assuming we have stuff posted. Sooo... we spent some time posting events and other uses of the building as well as things like the Pepperdine Bible Lectures which occur other places. We posted youth activities and community outreach events and blood drives and weddings and... At some point one of us said something like, "Boy, the year sure is going by fast!" Ever felt that way? Who hasn't, right?!

I got to thinking about why the pace of life continues to increase. I read somewhere that there is a mathematical reason why life seems to go faster as we get older... something about % of life events relative to the number of years or something like that. I see only thing wrong with that theory. You see, life doesn't just seem to go faster as we get older, it actually does go faster. Anyone over 50 knows that, right!?

Of course there is also the busy-ness coefficient to consider. Here's what I mean. Tomorrow night Doug and I will attend the Pepperdine Lectures preview dinner at Tri-Valley in Livermore, and we're filling in at tenor on the praise team. Then Doug is picking me up at 6:00 Friday morning, and we head to the Sierras where I'll have my first ski lesson in 15 degree weather and spend the day honing my hopefully new-found skills. Virginia's college roommate, Karen Kukta, is coming up from San Diego for a visit this weekend, so two lovely ladies will greet me when I stagger through the door. 7:30 Saturday morning we renew our elder/minister breakfasts at Denny's, and I think Randy and I will hit the hills for a run around 9:30. I'll have some things to wrap up at the building in the afternoon and Sunday will dawn with its usual agenda.

OK, so my guess is that the next few days will go by really fast... or will they just seem to go by really fast?


Tim Castle said...

From the "Yes-It-IS-A-Small-World-After-All" department: The Kutkas go to church with my grandmother and my parents in San Diego!

I think that gives me five degrees of separation from myself....

Philip said...

Ski lessons? What are those? Just point your sticks dowhill and try and hit as many punk snowboarders as possible.

When all else fails, blame the new parabloic shaped skis... and be sure to mention something about the "wicked powder."