Saturday, January 06, 2007


Today has been pretty uneventful for me. 8:00 brought a chilly and hilly run with Randy. We didn't go as far as we sometimes do, but it was far enough for me. We did run up a long, steep and winding trail that I've run only once before. And I guess using "run" here is a bit metaphorical since I walked probably 35 or 30% of it. Part of it is so steep that I think I go as fast walking as running... and it's not nearly as tough. All in all... good way to start a day.

I've been doing a little house cleaning today and catching some of the NFL playoff games. Also doing a little work, including tweaking my sermon for tomorrow.

Virginia met one of the teen girls from church at the building this morning. Some of the girls designed a mural for the middle school classroom, so Virginia met her up there so they could project it on the wall and get it sketched out. I guess the girls will paint it over the next couple of weeks.

The other thing Virginia's been working on is a big project for the class she took in late November. I think it's due on Monday, so she's been hitting it pretty hard the last couple of days. She's already done a couple of projects for this class, but this one is the most involved. She has several hundred pages of suspect inerviews from an actual case (no names of course), and she has to be the detective and figure out what's going on by reading all the interviews. One of the things she mentioned she's learning is that you can seldom trust the people you're interviewing (suspect or not) to tell the truth straight up. Instead, she has to sort of piece the "truth" together by looking for consistencies in various statements. Gives you a little insight into how difficult a job the police sometimes have, eh?

Well, we're thawing some salmon for supper, so later I'll fire up the grill. In the mean time, I'd better get back to some house cleaning.

1 comment:

Dee Collins said...

Happy New Year Pastor Rick. I hope you and Virginia can make it to a signing show that we are part of at GHCC on Jan 26. Shawn will be sending out fliers via email this week. It would be nice to see you there if you can make it.